Attack in Adana in 2016

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Two people were killed and 33 injured in an attack on a Turkish government building in Adana on November 24, 2016 . An explosive device was placed in a car and exploded in the provincial government parking lot. Nobody confessed to the attack. The Turkish government blamed the PKK .

Media reported that the police thwarted another attack shortly after the attack. The Turkish authorities shot the driver of a vehicle suspected of being loaded with explosives hours after the first explosion, the DHA news agency reported . Explosives experts should blow up the vehicle in a controlled manner on site.


Adana is the capital of the province of the same name in southern Turkey and is around 16 kilometers from the NATO air force base Incirlik . From there, u. a. the US Air Force attacks in Syria and the German Armed Forces secure the region with missile defense systems ( Operation Active Fence ).

In the months before the attack, Turkey had been shaken by numerous attacks by the banned Kurdish Workers' Party PKK and its offshoot TAK, which included car bombs. Further attacks were attributed to the terrorist militia "Islamic State" (IS). Because of the deteriorating security situation, the US withdrew the families of employees of its consulate general from Istanbul in November 2016.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Adana: The police apparently thwarted another attack . ( [accessed on November 25, 2016]).
  2. ^ Turkey: Attack on government building in Adana. In: November 24, 2016, accessed January 26, 2018 .
  3. Dead and injured in an attack in the southern Turkish city of Adana . ( [accessed on November 25, 2016]).