Anton Schmidbauer

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Anton Schmidbauer (born June 17, 1877 in Taufkirchen an der Pram , Upper Austria ; † October 29, 1964 ibid) was an Upper Austrian politician ( VdU ). Schmidbauer was a member of the Upper Austrian state parliament from 1949 to 1955 .


Schmidbauer worked professionally as a Schmid and was captured during the Second World War, where he was interned in a camp in Siberia . Schmidbauer was previously active as Mayor of Taufkirchen between May 17, 1924 and April 30, 1929, where he was a member of the Landbund . After the war he represented the Association of Independents in the Upper Austrian state parliament between November 5, 1949 and November 18, 1955. Schmidbauer was described in an obituary after his death as a folksy and helpful person.


  • 1910– ?: Member of the central committee of the Upper Austrian Fire Brigade Association Linz


  • Harry Slapnicka : Upper Austria - The political leadership from 1945 (= contributions to the contemporary history of Upper Austria. 12). Oöla, Linz 1989, ISBN 3-90031-347-4 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Oberösterreichische Volkszeitung , No. 35, of September 2, 1910, p. 12.