Antonio Torner Carbó

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Antonio Torner Carbó (born June 13, 1825 in Saragossa , † February 4, 1883 ) was a Spanish mathematician.

His father was a commissioner in the Ministry of War and Carbó attended the military academy from 1840 and the pioneer academy (military engineering academy) from 1843. In 1847 he became a pioneer lieutenant. He took part in the fighting in Madrid as part of the revolution of 1848, built the fortifications of Melilla and on the Islas Chafarinas and was involved in the suppression of social unrest in Catalonia from 1846 to 1849 as part of the Second Carlist War (Guerra de los matiners). In 1850 he became a professor at the Academy of Guadalajara and worked during this time on building projects in Castile and Catalonia. From 1873 to 1881 he commanded the military engineers in Cádiz . He became a colonel (coronel), brigadier and sub-inspector of engineers and was appointed head of the central administration of the military governor of Guadalajara province in 1883, but died of illness beforehand.

He wrote a calculus textbook that appeared in 1879.

He was in command of the Order of Isabella the Catholic and the Order of Charles III.


  • Obituary in Memorial de Ingenieros del Ejército, No. 4, 1883, pdf

Individual evidence

  1. Elementos de cálculo integral, Guadalajara: Imp. Provincial, 2nd edition Madrid 1898. This was an extension of his lectures on analysis for engineers, which appeared in 1866 (Aplicaciones más esenciales del cálculo integral).