Antonio Zambrano-Montes

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Antonio Zambrano-Montes (* 1980 - February 10, 2015 in Pasco ) was a Hispanic who was shot by the police in Pasco (Washington state) after throwing stones at police officers . He is considered to be one of the fatalities of police violence against non-whites in the US; the case was part of the debate about a racist orientation of many US police agencies .


Montes came from the Mexican province of Michoacan and worked in Pasco , Washington state and on a farm. On the evening of February 10, 2015, he is said to have thrown stones at a police patrol car and three police officers. An eyewitness video shows Zambrano-Montes running away from the police who are chasing him. When Montes turns to the officers, the police open fire. It is still unclear whether Zambrano-Montes still had a stone in his hand at the moment of his death. The officers shot Montes a total of 17 times.


Franklin County Prosecutor Shawn Sant ruled three months after Montes death not to initiate proceedings against the three police officers involved, Ryan Flanagan, Adam Wright and Adrian Alaniz. The police investigations had shown that Montes turned to the officers with a 1.3 kilogram stone in his hand, whereupon the officers shot. Before that, he had thrown stones at the police officers and patrol cars.

"The officers used deadly force to prevent harm to themselves and others," said Sant. The fatal shots were fired under appropriate circumstances in accordance with Washington State law and without willfulness.


The CNN reporter Raul Reyes said the case would be considered "Latino Ferguson," alluding to the death of Michael Brown called.

Then there were protests in the place. Around half of Pasco's 68,000 residents are Hispanic. The Consul of Mexico in Seattle called the case “the unintentionally fatal use of force against a person of Mexican nationality”.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Black Lives Matter? Police violence against blacks 2015. In: Retrieved May 10, 2016 .
  2. Ronald Weitzer: American Policing Under Fire: Misconduct and Reform . In: Society . tape 52 , no. 5 , August 25, 2015, ISSN  0147-2011 , p. 475-480 , doi : 10.1007 / s12115-015-9931-1 ( [accessed May 12, 2016]).
  3. Police Who Shot And Killed Farmworker Antonio Zambrano-Montes Cleared Of Wrongdoing. In: The Huffington Post. September 23, 2015, accessed May 10, 2016 .
  4. Jamiles Lartey, Jon Swaine: Police will not face charges in Pasco shooting death of Mexican man. In: the Guardian. September 9, 2015, accessed May 12, 2016 .
  5. Police will not face charges in Pasco shooting death of Mexican man on Original: "The officers used lethal force to prevent injury to themselves and others," said Sant, who described the shooting as reasonable under the standards established in our state laws and lacking in malice.
  6. ^ Raul A. Reyes: Doesn't life of Latino shot by police matter? In: CNN. Retrieved May 10, 2016 .
  7. ^ Hundreds protest death of Antonio Zambrano-Montes in Washington. In: MSNBC. Retrieved May 10, 2016 .