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The antrocystectomy (from Greek  ἂντρον ( antron ) "cave", κύστις (coast) "bladder" and έκτομή (ectome) "cutting out") is a surgical method to repair odontogenic cysts in the upper jaw . It is particularly indicated for cysts that come very close to the maxillary sinus or have already broken through into it. The operation is carried out from the oral cavity , whereby the cyst is opened after a corresponding incision. Through this opening, the cyst cavity is opened over a large area towards the maxillary sinus . The cyst lining is removed. The maxillary sinus mucous membrane can be left as it is, provided it is free of inflammation. It is important that a bone window is created towards the nasal cavity, if possible at the deepest point of the maxillary sinus, to ensure that the secretion can drain off . If tooth removal is necessary, this can be done during the operation, as can a root tip resection (s) . Finally, the oral mucosa is sewn back to the oral cavity.


  • Joachim Gabka / Herbert Harnisch: Operation course for dentists , Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart

Individual evidence

  1. Wilhelm Gemoll : GEMOLL, Greek-German school and hand dictionary , G. Freytag Verlag, Munich