Apelles (guardian of Philip V)

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Apelles († 218 BC in Corinth ) was a Macedonian politician. He was a member of the Regency Council of the young King Philip V and tried by all means to maintain his influence, but was executed because of secret connections with his king's enemies.


Apelles was founded by the Macedonian king Antigonus III. Doson († 221 BC) appointed a member of the Regency Council of Philip V , who was still a young heir to the throne . He was a domineering man and after Antigonus' death tried to break the influence of Aratos on Philip V in order to be able to rule the young king himself. Since his accusations against Aratos turned out to be slander, on the contrary, he achieved that the ruler alienated himself from him and became closer to Aratos.

Apelles did not want to accept this resignation and tried, in cooperation with other courtiers, to secretly hinder Philip V on his campaigns in order to be irreplaceable himself. He went to Chalkis , was soon very respected there, and from there secretly agitated against the Macedonian king by trying to deprive him of the means to wage war. These actions by Apelles also made Philip V to create. Later, Apelles, like the courtiers allied with him, was annoyed that the king was able to achieve successes against the Aetolians in the war of allies . After returning to Corinth , Philip V gave him a cool reception and he had to realize that he had lost his influence. Soon afterwards it became known that the camarilla , to which Apelles belonged, secretly incited the Aetolians to further resistance. The king now gave the order to seize Apelles and bring him to Corinth. It was in this city that Apelles was born with his son and lover in 218 BC. Executed.



  1. Polybios , Historíai 4, 76, 1; 4, 87, 8.
  2. ^ Polybios, Historíai 4, 84.
  3. Polybios, Historíai 5, 16, 10.
  4. Polybios, Historíai 4, 84, 7; 4, 86, 8; 5, 1, 9; see. Plutarch , Aratos 48, 1.
  5. Polybios, Historíai 5, 2, 8ff .; 5, 4, 10 ff.
  6. Polybios, Historíai 5, 14, 11.
  7. Polybios, Historíai 5, 26, 8 ff.
  8. Polybios, Historíai 5, 28.