Apocryphon of Ezekiel

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The Apocryphon of Ezekiel (also outdated Ezekiel the Prophet ) is a Jewish apocryphal script that was probably written between 50 BC. BC and 50 AD. It refers to the prophet Ezekiel the Tanakh . Only short excerpts of the text are cited by Epiphanius, Clemens of Alexandria and Clemens of Rome , and have been preserved in the Chester Beatty XII papyrus .

An apocryphal writing by Ezekiel is first mentioned by Flavius ​​Josephus in Antiquitates X, 5.1, later also by Nikephorus I in his engraving and in the Babylonian Talmud .

In the longest extant text, an otherwise widely documented parable is told about a blind man and a lame man who forbidden to enter the king's park. Your punishment exemplifies the shared responsibility of body and soul before the last judgment.

Text output

Original Greek text

  • Karl Holl : The Apocryphon Ezekiel . In: From Scripture and History. Theological treatises A. Schlatter… presented . Stuttgart 1922, pp. 85-98. [again: Ders .: Collected Essays on Church History Essays . Volume 2: The East . Tübingen 1928, pp. 33–43.]

German translations

  • Paul Rießler: Old Jewish literature outside the Bible . Dr. B. Hilser, Augsburg 1928, pp. 334-336 ( Wikisource ).
  • Karl-Gottfried Eckart: The Apocryphon Ezekiel. In: Jewish writings from the Hellenistic-Roman period. Volume 5.1. Gütersloh 1974, ISBN 3-579-03951-2 , pp. 45-56.


  • James R. Mueller: The Five Fragments of the Apocryphon of Ezekiel: A Critical Study (= Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigraphy. Supplements 5). Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield 1994, ISBN 1-85075-195-1 .
  • Michael E. Stone, Benjamin G. Wright, David Satran (eds.): The Apocryphal Ezekiel (= Early Judaism and its Literature. Volume 18). Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta 2000, ISBN 0-88414-022-9 .

Web links

Wikisource: Apocryphon of Ezekiel  - Sources and full texts