Association of Austrian New Philologists

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The Association of Austrian New Philologists ( VÖN ) is a teacher organization for foreign language maintenance based in Vienna .

Club history

The association was founded in Vienna on June 22, 1955 for the purpose of maintaining foreign languages . Important founding fathers are Hans Bruneder, Robert Vian, Hans Kapitan and Hubert Schützner. The VÖN first published its magazine in 1957 , the first two issues of which were entitled The Living Languages ​​in Lessons , but from the second year it was renamed Modern Languages . It contains primarily scientifically oriented articles. One year later, in 1958, the VÖN series of publications was founded. Since the association was decidedly apolitical and was not ready to assign itself to a party, there were first cuts in state funding in 1970, which were finally discontinued in 1986. At the same time, the VÖN had to struggle with a decline in membership due to a lack of young people who were willing to organize. Nevertheless, the VÖN still exists today, as does the magazine and the series of publications.

Well-known chairmen were Heinrich Kronasser, Johann Sofer and Wolfgang Pollak .


  • Reiner, Erwin (ed.) (1993). Documents on the history of the Association of Austrian Neuphilologists and its magazine modern languages ​​over the period 1955-1992 . (Series Modern Languages ​​21.). Vienna: VÖN.
  • Reiner, Erwin (1996). "Some of the history of the VÖN". In: Modern Languages 40/1. Pp. 16-20.

Web links

The VÖN magazine published by Praesens Verlag in Vienna

Individual evidence

  1. Mitteilungen des Veineins Mutterssprach Wien , Volume 8/1958, Issue 6, p. 41.