Apostolica sollicitudo

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Apostolica sollicitudo ( Latin : apostolic care) is the title of an apostolic letter in the form of a motu proprio from Pope Paul VI. , which he promulgated on September 15, 1965 . With this letter "about the establishment of the Synod of Bishops for the whole Church " he established the Synod of Bishops, which can be seen as the representative representation of the College of Bishops.


This “Motu Proprio” was published before the decreeChrist Dominus ” (On the pastoral task of the bishops); this Council document was the first to speak of the establishment of a council, which “should be composed of selected bishops from all parts of the world, and which is called the Synod of Bishops should. ”In this institution, the bishops should “ provide more effective assistance in the manner determined or yet to be determined by the Pope ”.

Paul VI had thus met the wish of the Council Fathers in “foresighted obedience” and had the wish to let the positive and collegial spirit of the Second Vatican Council live on. One can also assume that the Pope wanted to get ahead of the Council Fathers, because he feared that the bishops - in the direction of the universal Church - could demand more say.


“... In keeping with this, especially during the celebration of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, this inner conviction deepened and strengthened how important and necessary it is to use more and more help and service of the bishops for the good of the whole Church. Indeed, it was precisely the Ecumenical Council that prompted us to make the resolution to establish a special council of pastors for a long time, with the intention that even after the conclusion of the council, that abundance of benefit and Blessings that were happily experienced at the time of the Council from Our close association with the bishops.
Now, however, as the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council draws to a close, We consider the appropriate time has come to bring this long-term purpose to fruition at last; We prefer to do this because we know the bishops of the Catholic world openly inclined to this Our project, as is clear from the wishes and opinions expressed about it in the Ecumenical Council by very many spiritual pastors.
So we establish and order after careful, all-round reflection in accordance with Our esteem and honor for all Catholic bishops, and so that they may be given a richer opportunity to participate in Our care for the whole Church in an even more obvious and effective way, that is, of our own resolve and of ours apostolic authority in this Eternal City a permanent council of bishops for the whole Church, which is directly and immediately under Our authority, and to which We give a name of its own BISHOP SYNOD. (cf. Apostolica sollicitudo) "


This is followed by canonical regulations and orders, with which the structure, the tasks, the forms of assembly and the working methods of this new institution are determined. The Pope defines the general, specific and immediate objectives of the Synod of Bishops and sets up a general secretariat for continuous and efficient cooperation.

New constitution

On September 18, 2018, the Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis communio of Pope Francis came into force. It regulates the provisions for the preparation and follow-up of the general assembly.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. See Christ Dominus No. 5, October 28, 1965