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The appalt was the lease of state sources of income, legal monopolies , domains , regalia and indirect taxes of all kinds in Habsburg Austria of the baroque age . The appalt is therefore a term closely linked to the financial policy of mercantilism . If such a lease was leased further, it was called the afterappalt.

The word is of Italian origin, where appalto means 'contract', ' tendering ', 'concession'.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich Ritter von Srbik, The state export trade of Austria from Leopold I to Maria Theresia, Braumüller, Vienna 1907, p. XXXf.
  2. Franz Fischer, The blue scythes: Social and economic history of the scythe smith guild in Kirchdorf-Micheldorf until the middle of the 18th century , Diss. Univ. Innsbruck 1962, and research on the history of Upper Austria, Vol. 9, Böhlau, Vienna 1966, p. 172