Arab bustard

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Arab bustard
Arab bustard (Ardeotis arabs)

Arab bustard ( Ardeotis arabs )

Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Otidiformes
Family : Bustards (Otididae)
Genre : Ardeotis
Type : Arab bustard
Scientific name
Ardeotis arabs
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Ardeotis arabs

The Arab bustard ( Ardeotis arabs ), which is widespread in the African Sahel zone and in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula, is one of 27 known species of bustard.


The Arabian Bustard is a great bustard, in shape and color much more to the African Bustard ( Ardeotis kori as) to the Great Bustard recalls. In flight it shows just as white in the wing as the great bustard, otherwise it is quite monochrome. The male is 90 cm tall, the female 74 cm tall. The voice is a rasping croak and a long flute whistle. It lives in steppe areas , open bushland and semi-deserts such as the Dilia de Lagané .


  • H. Heinzel, R. Fitter, J. Parslow: Parey's bird book. 5th edition. Collins Publishers, Hamburg / Berlin 1988, ISBN 3-490-22018-8 .

Web links

Commons : Arab bustard ( Ardeotis arabs )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files