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The or aratel , the pound , was a unit of mass.

Brazil and Portugal

The measure was valid in Brazil and Portugal and was used as a gold and silver weight .

A dimensional chain was

  • 1 Aratel = 2 Marco / Mark = 16 Onca / Ounces = 128 Octavas / Ottavas = 384 Scruples = 9216 Grän


The aratel was also an Indian unit of mass and the so-called "merchant" pound.

  • 1 aratel = 16 ounces
  • 24 Aratel = 1 manna / Mao

(Sources below)


  • Friedrich Albrecht Niemann: Complete manual of the coins, measures and weights of all countries in the world. Verlag Gottfried Basse, Quedlinburg / Leipzig 1830, p. 8
  • Joseph Hörmeyer: South Brazil: a manual for instruction for everyone, especially for emigrants. Gustav Carl Würger, Hamburg 1857, p. 328

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Reinhold Forster: magazine of strange new travelogues. Volume 15, Vossische Buchhandlung, Berlin 1798, p. 80