Employers' Association of Medium-sized Personnel Service Providers

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The employers' association of medium-sized personnel service providers e. Until its merger with the Federal Association of Temporary Employment Services (BZA) to form the Federal Employers 'Association of Personnel Service Providers ( BAP) in spring 2011, V. ( AMP ) was one of three major employers' associations in the temporary employment industry, alongside the Federal Association of Temporary Employment Services and the iGZ - German Association of Interest Temporary employment agency .

For its part, the AMP emerged from the merger of the two associations of the Mittelstandsvereinigung Zeitarbeit (MVZ) and the Association of North Bavarian Temporary Employment Companies (INZ).

The association represented the interests of around 1,000 small and medium-sized member companies vis-à-vis politics, the media and the public.

The association concluded collective agreements only with the so-called Christian unions, but not with the DGB unions with more members. The case with the Christian Community tariff trade unions for time work and personnel service agencies (CGZP) contracts concluded, however, were due to the lack of collective capacity void of CGZP.

Individual evidence

  1. Press release on the merger