Working group for data processing

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The Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Datenverarbeitung (ADV) is an Austrian communication platform that has existed since 1959 between interested parties and experts in information processing in Vienna.

Purpose and members

The purpose of the association is to provide members and interested parties with information on the optimal use of information and communication technologies. The members of the ADV are both providers (including specialists and top managers from the IT industry) and users of IT services. This diversity means that the exchange of information is as lively as possible. The target group of the working group for data processing are users of EDP ​​systems , providers of information and communication technology , managers, EDP specialists, company organizers, consultants, scientists and students. Currently, around 300 Austrian companies and public institutions and more than 400 experts from business, administration and science are members.


A large number of different events take place. Congresses, meetings, seminars, lectures and conferences are organized on current IT and ICT topics. There are various ADV working groups for special topics.

Organizational form

The ADV is an independent and non-profit association. Therefore, all activities may only be offered at cost price. The board of the ADV carries out its work on a voluntary basis. The seat of the ADV is in Vienna , the Austria-wide presence is ensured by regional groups in the federal states.

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