Working group for sport psychology in Germany

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The Working Group for Sport Psychology in Germany (asp) is the representation of sport psychologists in Germany.


The association, which has existed since 1969, has around 420 members (as of 2016). Annual conferences are held on various topics in sports psychology. President is Bernd Strauss (as of 2016).


The association is a member of the Fédération Européenne des Sports et des Activités Corporelles (FEPSAC), the European Sports Psychology Representation and the International Society of Sport Psychology . The cooperation with the professional association of German psychologists concentrates on the common curriculum "Training in Sport Psychology". In addition, the Asp is part of the German Association for Sports Science .

The aim of the working group is the promotion and further development of sport psychology in research, teaching and in the fields of application of competitive, popular and health sports .

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