Arcane Codex Arena

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Arcane Codex ARENA (abbreviated AC ARENA or Arena ) is an on the background of Dark-Fantasy - pen - & - paper role-playing game Arcane Codex anabolic tabletop system of naked steel -Verlags. It was written by Saskia Naescher and Alexander Junk and published in 2005. At Arcane Codex Arena , two to ten players with one or more characters (“champions”) compete against each other in an arena .

Due to the relatively few miniatures and the rules enclosed with each blister , entry is usually cheaper than with competing products. The rules allow various tactical approaches, as they are known from other skirmish systems (e.g. confrontation or dark ages ).

Control system

Like the armies in a tabletop or skirmish, the champions of all players are equally strong, since everything you can give them costs points. In contrast to the role-playing game, the players have to agree on the amount of points to be awarded before the game, which they can use to shape their champions. The agreed points can be used for one champion or shared among several champions. Each figure can be set up as a simple “warrior”, “hero”, “hero” or even as a “master” and costs accordingly many points (usually 15, 25, 35 or 50). Each figure is also supplied with a card with game values, which you can use to customize your “champion” , similar to the Arcane Codex pen & paper role-playing game . Different combat school techniques or spells can be selected for each champion, based on the combat and magic schools of the role-playing game. In addition, each character can also choose an artifact and / or gain additional points at the expense of a weakness.


The champion's player rolls a ten-sided die (D10). The value of the property used (e.g. NK in a melee attack) is added to the result of a throw. If the die shows 1 or 10, the dice are rolled again. With a 1 the new result is deducted, with a 10 it is added. If the second roll shows a 1 or 10, there is no third roll. The result of the dice test is compared with the minimum value, usually a resistance value of the opponent. If the minimum value is reached, the champion was successful.

Figure values

Each champion has three resistance values ​​(WW): the defense value ( VW), the mental resistance (GW) and the shock resistance (SR). If an action is directed against an opponent, the minimum value (MW) for the test is one of these three WW of the opponent.


The Campaign game option enables players to host a contiguous series of games. As usual in a pen & paper role-playing game , the surviving champions receive experience points (EP) and fame . The winning party can - if this has been determined - also use the “loot” (e.g. artifacts of the defeated opponents) from the last round (s) in the coming game. New techniques, spells and / or artifacts can be purchased for the accumulated XP. A champion receives a fame rank for every five EP. If the champion dies, the player rolls a ten-sided die (i.e. 1d10). If the result is equal to or less than the fame rank, the champion survives with one life point but loses all fame.

Game variants

In addition to the possibility of playing a campaign, various game variants are suggested in the rules: chained, artifact hunt, blood altar, hostage-taking, regicide, mercenary, standard bearer and trophy hunt.

Released products

  • Circus Sanguinis playing field


The miniatures published so far have been modeled by Henning Forster, most of them based on the images of the archetypes from Arcane Codex . Behind the name of the champions stands the combat / magic school corresponding to the role play.

The Vargother

  • Wydredd - The Eye Eater (Shadow Hand Assassin)
  • Steel Prince Haldrad von Dorgond - The Blood Griffin (Steel Fist Knight)
  • Alfried von Adlerhorst - The Sun Falcon (Bringer of Light)
  • Jatwa - The Red Witch (Witch)

The orcs

  • Talak Silberhaar - The Gray Wolf (Shaman)
  • Ranga "Victorious" by the Storm Howlers (Storm Rider)
  • Kobek Khan - The Butcher (Berserker)

Web links