Archaeological sources

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Archaeological sources

description scientific series
Area of ​​Expertise archeology
language German English
publishing company German Society for Prehistory and Early History (DGUF)
Headquarters Kerpen-Loogh (Germany)
First edition 2017
Frequency of publication irregular
editor Frank Siegmund , Diane Scherzler
Web link
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

The Archaeological Sources (abbreviated: Arch. Sources) are a series of scientific monographs published for the first time in 2017 and published by the German Society for Prehistory and Early History (DGUF) in cooperation with German excavation companies .

The series takes into account the increasing number of polluter-financed excavations in the Federal Republic of Germany , for the execution of which excavation companies are appointed. It offers the scientists working there, who often do not have the resources of universities and monument offices, the opportunity to publish their results promptly. Excavation reports are published that are created by the scientists after the excavation is completed as archive documentation in accordance with the guidelines of the respective responsible monument authority. With the archaeological sources, they are now available on the one hand to a broad public and on the other hand to the professional world as the basis for further research.

The archaeological sources are available both in open access at the Heidelberg University Library and in printed form from bookshops.

The series is edited by Frank Siegmund (head) and Diane Scherzler .

Web links