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ARCHIDO is an information and research center for tobacco , alcohol , drugs , medication and addiction at the University of Bremen . The activities of the ARCHIDO serve as a contribution to the objectification of the controversial public and specialist public debate on drug-related topics.


The ARCHIDO was founded in 1987 by Heino Stöver and Stephan Quensel at the University of Bremen. Since 1998 the development of the internet offer and online information services has been carried out in cooperation with the Center for Applied Information Technology (ZAIT), the Center for Networks (ZFN) at the University of Bremen. There is close cooperation with the prison archive . In 2004 the range of tasks of the ARCHIDO was expanded, which is expressed in the name affix: "Information and research center for tobacco, alcohol, medication, drugs and addiction". In 2010 the Archido was integrated into the Institute for Addiction Research at the Frankfurt / Main University of Applied Sciences (ISFF).


Archido is supported by the non-profit association ARCHIDO e. V. The statutory objectives of the ARCHIDO are the interdisciplinary and systematic collection, documentation, processing and provision of publications in the multidisciplinary research and work area of addiction and drugs. The collection area includes all psychoactive substances, both illegal and legal drugs, as well as various forms of addictive behavior such as eating disorders, work addiction or pathological gambling . An additional task is the implementation of research projects and international social science studies on various topics such as consumption patterns, prevention and treatment concepts. In addition, the ARCHIDO offers seminars, courses, lectures and readings.


Since 1987 the Archido has built up a database on illegal and legal drugs, drug policy and addiction in general, which is unique in Germany. All psychoactive substances are understood as drugs, both legal ( tobacco , alcohol , medication, etc.) and illegal ( cannabis , cocaine , heroin, etc.). It also contains publications on all aspects of addictive behavior even without substance use ( gambling addiction , eating disorders, etc.). The inventory of books, brochures, magazines, films, posters, audio and electronic media currently comprises a total of around 94,000 media units (as of November 2019). The holdings are accessible to all interested parties free of charge both online and via a reference library.


  • Bibliography Migration and Addiction (status 05/2007, 310 titles).
  • Bibliography substitution treatment of opioid addicts (status 1/2009, 5,315 titles)
  • B. Schulte, K. Thane, J. Rehm, A. Uchtenhagen, H. Stöver, P. Degkwitz, J. Reimer, C. Haasen: Drug policy and harm reduction. Quality of treatment services in Europe - drug treatment situation and exchange of good practice. Work package 1. (General invitation to tender no SANCO / 2006 / C4 / 02). February 2008
  • C. Haasen, P. Degkwitz, H. Zurhold, H. Stöver et al .: Models of good practice in drug treatment in Europe. European Commission Health & Consumer Protection Directorate-General, Directorate C - Public Health and Risk Assessment. (Agreement Number - 2006329), October 31, 2008
  • H. Hartwig, H. Stöver, C. Weilandt: R eport on tobacco smoking in prison . Directorate - General for Health and Consumers. Drug policy and harm reduction. 2008, SANCO / 2006 / C4 / 02
  • H. Stöver, C. Weilandt, H. Zurhold, C. Hartwig, K. Thane: Final Report on Prevention, Treatment, and Harm Reduction Services in Prison, on Reintegration Services on Release from Prison and Methods to Monitor / Analyze Drug use among Prisoners. European Commission, Directorate - General for health and Consumers. Drug policy and harm reduction. 2008, SANCO / 2006 / C4 / 02

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