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Archinotis is an old name in animal geography for a fauna kingdom . It includes the mainland of Antarctica and the surrounding island world. The south-west of South America (i.e. the Chilean part of Patagonia ) with Tierra del Fuego , the Kerguelen and the south-west of the South Island of New Zealand form transition zones to the neighboring regions.

The expression goes back to the German researcher Hermann von Ihering , who wrote it in 1907 in his work Archhelenis and Archinotis. Suggested collected contributions to the history of the Neotropical region . According to Ihering's theory, there were originally two separate continents in what is now South America, Archamazonia in the north and Archiplata in the south. Archamazonia was connected to Africa by a submerged continent called Archhelenis, Archiplata would have formed a unit with the original Antarctic continent he called Archinotis. Ihering wanted to refute the continental drift theory of Alfred Wegener , according to him pure speculation, and the related biogeographical theories of Alfred Russel Wallace . Ihering's work influenced other biogeographers such as Carl H. Eigenmann , but is now considered clearly refuted by research. The clearly recognizable biotic relationships are now associated with an origin on the southern continent of Gondwana . Some authors, especially those who speak German, have continued to use the term Archinotis for the Antarctic region for a long time, unlike what Ihering defined. The term is out of date and is falling out of use more and more.

The terrestrial (land-living) fauna of the continent Antarctica is extremely species-poor, it includes a few soil-living taxa (nematodes, around 15 species of springtails, around 25 mites) and three species of midges (Chironomidae), Belgica antarctica , Eretmoptera murphyi and Parochlus steinenii , the in which only about 1 percent of ice-free land live.

The flora kingdom in the same area is called Antarctica .


  • Paul Müller: Animal Geography: Structure, Function, History and Indicator Significance of Areas. Teubner Verlag, 1977, ISBN 3 5190 3406 9
  • Hermann von Ihering : Archhelenis and Archinotis. Collected contributions to the history of the Neotropical region. Leipzig 1907.
  • Maria Margaret Lopes & Irina Podgorny (2014): Between seas and continents: aspects of the scientific career of Hermann von Ihering, 1850-1930. História, Ciências, Saúde - Manguinhos 21 (3): 809-826. doi: 10.1590 / S0104-59702014000300002

Individual evidence

  1. Fernando CP Dagosta (2018): A history of the biogeography of Amazonian fishes. Neotropical Ichthyology 16 (3) article e180023. doi: 10.1590 / 1982-0224-20180023
  2. Erich Thenius, Karl von Frisch: Seas and countries in the change of times. Paleogeography as the basis for biogeography. (Understandable Science 114) Springer Verlag, Berlin etc. 1977. ISBN 978-3-540-08208-8 .
  3. ^ ID Hogg, MI Stevens: Soil Fauna of Antarctic Coastal Landscapes. Chapter 15 in Lothar Beyer, Manfred Bölter (editors): Geoecology of Antarctic Coastal Ice-Free Landscapes. Springer Verlag, Berlin etc. 2002. ISBN 3-540-42268-4 (Ecological Studies 154).