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Archizoom for Poltronova, Superonda sofa, 1967

The Archizoom Associati group was founded in Florence in 1966 . The founding members of the group include Andrea Branzi , Paolo Deganello , Gilberto Corretti and Massimo Morozzi . The group is considered to be the founder of anti-design . In addition to architecture and product design, Archizoom also dealt with urban planning. The name is derived from the British architectural group Archigram and their magazine Zoom .

In provocative works inspired by Pop Art , Archizoom breaks away from the dominant functionalist design . An example of this is the Superonda sofa from 1966, a wave-shaped cut polyurethane block that can be put together to form various seat combinations. In the Mies armchair from 1969, Archizoom ironically quotes a design classic and combines a steel frame in the form of a three-sided prism with a comfortable latex bed.

Archizoom questioned existing bourgeois values ​​and conventions and criticized the existing consumer society. Even if Archizoom dissolved again in 1974, their influence on later groups such as Memphis or Alchimia is unmistakable.


  • Bernhard E. Bürdek: Design. History, theory and practice of product design. 3. Edition. Birkhäuser, Basel / Boston / Berlin 2005, ISBN 3-7643-7028-9 , p. 133.
  • Mel Byars: Design Encyclopedia. 1880 to the present. Klinkhardt and Biermann, Munich 1994, ISBN 3-7814-0365-3 , p. 27.
  • Enrico Morteo: Design Atlas. From 1850 until today. DuMont Buchverlag, Cologne 2009, ISBN 978-3-8321-9239-6 , pp. 302-310.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Charlotte Fiell, Peter Fiell: Design of the 20th Century. Taschen, Cologne u. a. 2001, ISBN 3-8228-5541-3 , p. 14.
  2. ^ Claudia Neumann: Design Lexicon Italy. DuMont Buchverlag, Cologne 1999, ISBN 3-7701-4427-9 , p. 102.