Arens-Michael decomposition

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The Arens-Michael decomposition , named after Richard Arens and Ernest Michael , is a mathematical construction for the investigation of LMC algebras . The Arens-Michael decomposition represents complete LMC algebras as projective limits of Banach algebras .


It is an LMC-algebra, that is a topological algebra whose topology through a directed family submultiplikativer seminorms is given, and for stands. Then is a two-sided ideal and defined by

a norm on the quotient algebra . The completions of the are Banach algebras, which are denoted by.

For defines an algebra homomorphism . With these images you get an embedding

in the projective limes of the system . Thus every LMC algebra is a subalgebra of a product of Banach algebras. This is called the Arens-Michael decomposition.

If is complete, then is surjective and the result is that complete LMC algebras are projective limits of Banach algebras. Complete LMC algebras are therefore also called Arens-Michael algebras .


Using the representation as projective limits of Banach algebras, some results from the theory of Banach algebras can be transferred to (complete) LMC algebras.

A typical application is Arens' invertibility criterion . With the terms from the above construction, an element from an Arens-Michael algebra with a one element can be inverted if and only if it is invertible in every algebra .

Furthermore, one can show with these methods that LMC algebras have a continuous inverse, that is, that the mapping on the set of invertible elements is automatically continuous.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ EA Michael: Locally multiplicatively-convex topological algebras , Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. (1952), Volume 11
  2. Anastasios Mallios: Topological Algebras: Selected Topics , North-Holland Mathematics Studies, Volume 124, Chapter III.3 "Arens Michael Decomposition"
  3. AY Helemskii: The homology of Banach and Topological Algebras. Kluwer Academic Publishers (1989), ISBN 0-7923-0217-6 , Chapter 0, §1.3. Definition 1.2
  4. ^ Edward Beckenstein, Lawrence Narici, Charles Suffel: Topological algebras , North-Holland Publishing Company (1977), ISBN 0-7204-0724-9 , Theorem 4.6-1 (e)
  5. ^ Edward Beckenstein, Lawrence Narici, Charles Suffel: Topological algebras , North-Holland Publishing Company (1977), ISBN 0-7204-0724-9 , Theorem 4.8-6