Argeios (sculptor)

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Argeios ( ancient Greek Ἀργεῖος , Latinized Argius ) is possibly the name of one or two Greek sculptors. Since the literary and inscriptions allow different interpretations, the actual existence of a sculptor of this name is uncertain.

On a statue base found in Olympia by the sculptor Argeiadas from the first half of the 5th century BC. There is the unusual addition Hagelada targgeion , in which his father is called Hageladas . It cannot be decided whether the second part of the addition emphasizes the origin of the father from Argos or whether it is his father Argeios . Pliny begins his list of the students of Polykleitos in Olympia with Argium Asopodorum , although it is also unclear here whether it is another sculptor named Argeios or whether it is the rare case of a preposition of the ethnicon and thus the origin of Asopodorus from Argos is pointed out. An Asopodoros from Argos can also be found on the statue base found in Olympia, which is why the interpretation as a designation of origin is obvious.



  1. ^ A b Emanuel Loewy : Inscriptions by Greek sculptors . Teubner, Leipzig 1885, pp. 24-26 .
  2. Pliny, Naturalis historia 34, 19.