Asopodoros (sculptor I)

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Asopodoros ( ancient Greek Ἀσωπόδωρος ) was a Greek sculptor from Argos who worked in the first half of the 5th century BC. Was active.

It is known from an inscription on a statue base found in Olympia . After this he was together with the sculptors Athanodoros , Atotos , Argeiadas and possibly Argeios the creator of a consecration gift consisting of several statues from a Praxiteles from Mantineia , which he donated after Olympia. Since Pausanias does not mention the monumental work, it is assumed that it was no longer in Olympia at the time. The multi-part bathron with the inscriptions was found in the Temple of Zeus .

Another sculptor named Asopodoros is mentioned by Pliny . Unless there is a mix-up, it may be a descendant of Asopodorus.



  1. ^ Emanuel Loewy : Inscriptions by Greek sculptors . Teubner, Leipzig 1885, pp. 24-26 .
  2. Pliny, Naturalis historia 34, 19.