Ariel Kenig

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Ariel Kenig (born June 24, 1983 ) is a French writer and dramaturge . The name Ariel Kenig is a pseudonym .

Kenig was born to a French mother and a Polish father. He spent his childhood in the Paris area . In 2003 he dropped out of college to devote himself entirely to writing. He met the writer and editor at Denoël Audrey Diwan, who encouraged him to publish his first novel: Camping Atlantic was published in January 2005 by Denoël . His first novel, critically acclaimed, uses the experiences of the youthful hero Adonis to deal with the violent boredom of adolescence and the power of brotherhood and friendship. Ariel Kenig then devotes himself to the theater with three pieces: Elle t'embrasse , Pas ce soir and Pompéi ou le suspense pornographique .

In 2006 his second novel La Pause was published . This socially critical novel takes place in the Parisian suburbs ( banlieue ) and shows the world of workers on a tape in a factory of the car manufacturer Renault ; the literary style Ariel Kenigs mixes introspection, introspection and sociological observation and analysis. In 2007 Ariel Kenig wrote a pamphlet , Quitter la France , in which he analyzes the current national state of mind in France.

Novels and pamphlets

  • Camping Atlantic (January 2005, Denoël Verlag ISBN 978-2-207-25609-1 ).
    • "Dans un style épuré, Ariel Kenig offre un premier roman à la fois sensible, angoissant et subtilement orchestré" ( Glamor )
  • La Pause (September 2006, Denoël Verlag ISBN 978-2-207-25808-8 ).
    • “Ariel Kenig says that he is dépeindre la peur du chômage en milieu ouvrier, la tentation du nihilisme chez les laissés-pour-compte. Il dit aussi que les romans ne sont jamais tristes ou joyeux. Ils sont écrits ou ne le sont pas. Le sien l'est »( Le Monde )
  • Quitter la France (March 2007, Denoël Verlag ISBN 978-2-207-25960-3 )
  • New Wave Paris 2008, Flammarion publishing house. ISBN 978-2-08-121501-6 )
    • “Un cadavre exquis qui allie subtilement la plume électrique de Kenig à l'univers new wave et nostalgique de Morel. »( Les Inrockuptibles )


  • Pompéi ou le suspense pornographique (2007)
  • Le Feu (2007)
  • Pas ce soir

Youth literature