Arkesilaos (Consul)

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Arkesilaos (Latinized also Arcesilaus ) was a Roman consul in AD 267.

Arkesilaos held the consulate ( posterior ) in 267 together with Paternus under the rule of Emperor Gallienus in the midst of the imperial crisis of the 3rd century . Apart from his consulate, nothing certain is known about him. He could have been the son or grandson of a Titus Flavius ​​Arcesilaus , who served as a Flemish for the Arval brothers and in the 220s as a magister creatus , i.e. was a high priest. A saints vita of the martyrs Rufina and Secunda from the 5th century also mentions a comes in Rome and Italy, which could be identical to the consul.



  1. ^ Prosopographia Imperii Romani² F 214.
  2. ^ Passio SS. Rufinae et Secundae (= ASS Jul. III, 30–31).