Asian German Studies

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Asian German Studies describes a movement within international German studies that relates German-language literature and culture to Asia or to ideas of Asia.


The term “Asian German Studies” was introduced into the discussion around 2006 based on “Asian American Studies” or “Asian Australian Studies” and was initially understood primarily as an interdisciplinary research area on an immigration country from the point of view and with regard to its Asian population groups. More precisely, it was initially about the role of Asian minorities in German popular culture and which regulative ideas of the receiving culture about the respective society of origin are linked to it. "Asian German Studies" panels have been an integral part of the annual meetings of the German Studies Association since 2009 . The book series “Asian German Studies” has been published by a well-known American science publisher since 2014. In the meantime the term has become a collective term, especially for studies on the representation of China and Japan in German society and culture.

The fact that “Asian German Studies”, based on sociology, should primarily deal with Asians living in Germany or the attributions surrounding them is still a claim. In the literature comparé tradition of imagology , the "image studies" assert themselves. With a historical background, one increasingly opts for an approach of “transnational history” that goes beyond comparative social history. Studies in the history of ideas have found a starting point in historical self-drafts of the German-speaking region as a "land of poets and thinkers" open to all world cultures.

Antony Tatlow and Adrian Hsia in particular were pioneers in the field of research .


Thematically, "Asian German Studies" include the mutual representation of the cultures involved, the determination of cultural identity in the experience of cultural diversity and transculturality, German-Asian cooperation and competition, German positioning in the relationship between China, Japan and Korea, exchange and Reception as well as adaptation and translation of cultural products and perspectives, cultural tourism, transnational adoptions / marriages / résumés, German-Asian similarities and differences in the situation in relation to the Anglophone and the Arab world, language pluralism and realignments of German studies and Japanese studies, neonationalism and the crisis of cosmopolitanism, Post-colonialism and neo-colonial nostalgia, 'cultural color' and 'universal appeal' of popular culture and forms of Buddhism in German-speaking countries.
