German Studies Association

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The German Studies Association (GSA) is an interdisciplinary association of scholars that - with a cultural and scientific focus - deals with German and historical topics with references to Germany , Austria and Switzerland .


Thanks to the commitment of the American Association of Teachers of German , an interdisciplinary approach was pursued in the US with German Studies . The association was finally founded in 1976 by the historian Gerald R. Kleinfeld at Arizona State University as the Western Association for German Studies (WAGS) and renamed the German Studies Association in 1984 after the all-American expansion at the University of Wisconsin – Madison . The GSA annually organizes conferences in the USA, which have become an important forum for exchange between Germany and the United States . Today the association consists primarily of historians and German scholars , but also political scientists , and has a total of around 1,500 members.

Since 1978 it has had an official organ with the scientific journal German Studies Review (GerSR), published by the Johns Hopkins University Press . In addition, she has been publishing a newsletter since 2006 .

The German Studies Association is a member of the American Council of Learned Societies .

Asian German Studies has been part of the conference since 2009 .


The following persons on the Executive Board currently hold offices:

The above persons as well as the former President and the Editor of the German Studies Review form the Executive Council.


GSA has set up the following committees:

  • Archives Committee
  • Berlin Program Selection Committee
  • Interdisciplinary Committee
  • Investment Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Prize Committees:
  • DAAD Book Prize Committee
  • DAAD Article Prize Committee
  • Graduate Student Essay Prize Committee
  • Sybil Halpern Milton Book Prize Committee
  • Program Committee

In addition, there are two editorial boards for the magazine and the book series ( Spektrum , published by Berghahn Books ).


The GSA is a partner of the Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies , awards travel grants and the following prizes:

  • DAAD Book Prize of GSA
  • 2013: David Ciarlo for Advertising Empire: Race and Visual Culture in Imperial Germany
  • 2014: Marco Abel for The Counter-Cinema of the Berlin School
  • DAAD Article Prize of GSA
  • 2012: Edward Dickinson for Altitude and Whiteness: Germanizing the Alps and Alpinizing the Germans, 1875-1935
  • 2013: Ari Joskowicz for Heinrich Heine's Transparent Masks: Denominational Politics and the Poetics of Emancipation in Nineteenth Century Germany and France
  • 2014: Kira Thurman for Black Venus, White Bayreuth: Race, Sexuality, and the Depoliticization of Wagner in Postwar West Germany
  • GSA Prize for the Best Essay in German Studies by a Graduate Student
  • 2012: Ari Linden for Beyond Repetition: Karl Kraus's 'Absolute Satire'
  • 2013: Carl Gelderloos for Simply Reproducing Reality: Brecht, Benjamin, and Renger Patzsch on Photography
  • 2014: Amanda Randall for Austrian Trümmerfilm: What a Genre's Absence Reveals about National Postwar Cinema and Film Studies
  • Sybil Halpern Milton Memorial Book Prize


Publications from the Modern German Studies series :

Publications from the Spectrum series :

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Wulf Köpke: The Third Pilar of Foreign Policy. West German Cultural Policy in the United States . In: Detlef Junker (Ed.): The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945–1990. A Handbook (= Publications of the German Historical Institute ). Volume 2: 1968–1990 . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge u. a. 2004, ISBN 0-521-83420-1 , p. 283.
  2. Archived copy ( memento of the original from September 7, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. ^ Foreword by Peter Pabisch . In: Peter Pabisch (Ed.): Patent solution or apple of contention? 'German studies' for the international field as an alternative to German studies - examples from America . Lang, Bern a. a. 2005, ISBN 3-03910-621-X , p. 18.
  4. ^ Paul Michael Lützeler : Transatlantic German Studies. Contact, transfer, dialogue . De Gruyter, Berlin a. a. 2013, ISBN 978-3-11-030055-0 , p. 231.
  5. ^ Heinrich C. Seeba : Intercultural German Studies in the USA . In: Alois Wierlacher , Andrea Bogner (Hrsg.): Handbuch interkulturelle Germanistik . Metzler, Stuttgart 2003, ISBN 3-476-01955-1 , p. 661.
  6. ^ Paul Michael Lützeler : Klio or Kalliope? Literature and history: exploration, analysis, interpretation (= philological studies and sources . Issue 145). Erich Schmidt, Berlin 1997, ISBN 3-503-03763-2 , p. 179.