Asociación General de Estudiantes Universitarios Salvadoreños

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The Asociación General de Estudiantes Universitarios Salvadoreños ( AGEUS ) is a Salvadoran student organization that was founded in 1927 or 1931.

In 1944, AGEUS led the general strike that led to the overthrow of dictator Maximiliano Hernández Martínez .

Under the leadership of Ivo Príamo Alvarenga , AGEUS contributed significantly to the overthrow of President José María Lemus López in 1960 .

Ricardo Castaneda Cornejo (UN MP), Rufino Quezada (former Rector of the Universidad de El Salvador ) and Hugo Martínez were well-known leaders of AGEUS.

During the Salvadoran civil war in the 1980s, the International Union of Students showed solidarity with AGEUS.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ René Hernández Valiente: El derecho a la huelga en la Constitución . In: El Mundo . April 7, 2017 (Spanish, online [accessed June 24, 2018]).
  2. El estudiante que a un presidente derrocó . In: Diario1 . June 21, 2018 (Spanish, online [accessed June 24, 2018]).
  3. Gabriel Labrador: "Fidel Castro me preguntó: 'oye chico, ¿eras guerrillero?'" In: El Faro . June 21, 2015 (Spanish, online [accessed June 24, 2018]).
  4. El buen vivir enriquece solo a los funcionarios ” . In: La Prensa Gráfica . April 6, 2017 (Spanish, online [accessed June 24, 2018]).
  5. ^ Hugo Martínez es el candidato presidencial del FMLN . In: Periódico Digital Centroamericano y del Caribe . (Spanish, online [accessed June 24, 2018]).
  6. International Union of Students (Ed.): For the rebuilding of the university and peace in El Salvador: ¡AGEUS presente! Prague 1987, OCLC 883860236 (English).