Assja Turgenieff

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Assja Turgenieff ( Russian Анна Алексеевна Тургенева ; born May 12, 1890 in Moscow , † October 16, 1966 in Arlesheim ) was a Russian-Swiss graphic artist, glass cutter and eurythmist . She was a great niece of the Russian writer Ivan Turgenev .

With her husband, the symbolist Andrei Bely , whom she married in 1909, she lived as an anthroposophist in Dornach from 1914 , where they both helped to build the first Goetheanum . She created the motifs for the colored glass windows for both buildings.

Bely had to return to Russia in 1916 because of a conscription. Assja stayed in Switzerland. In 1921 the couple met in Berlin, where Bely had emigrated, for a discussion that ended with the final separation.

Assja continued to devote herself to anthroposophy and the work at the Goetheanum, where she increasingly devoted herself to eurythmy and continued to work as a graphic artist.


  • The Goetheanum window motifs , Dornach 1935
  • Motifs from the Christmas Nativity Games , Dornach 1937
  • Rudolf Steiner on light and dark , Dornach 1947
  • What will happen to the Goetheanum building? , Basel 1956
  • What happened to the Goethean conversion? , Basel 1957
  • Rudolf Steiner's designs for the glass windows , Dornach 1961
  • Memories of Rudolf Steiner and the work on the first Goetheanum . Free Spiritual Life, Stuttgart 1972; 3rd A. 1993, ISBN 3-7725-0614-3

Your work at the Goetheanum is documented in:

  • The Goetheanum window. Language of light. Drafts and studies . With wording by Rudolf Steiner, reports about the work on the windows and etchings by Assja Turgenieff as well as a picture documentation about the creation of the windows in the first and second Goetheanum (one text and one picture volume each). Rudolf Steiner Verlag (GA K 12), Dornach 2nd exp. A. 1996, ISBN 3-7274-3601-8

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