August Knippert

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August Knippert (born July 22, 1913 in Dahlhausen , Bochum district , † August 30, 1978 in Aurich ) was a German politician ( SPD ) and a member of the Lower Saxony state parliament .

After elementary school August Knippert attended a Realprogymnasium , after which he completed an apprenticeship in electrical engineering. He became a member of the Metalworkers' Union in 1927–1933. In the years 1931-1933 he took over the office of the first chairman of the Socialist Workers' Youth and became a member of the district committee in Bochum. In the years 1933–1934 he worked in the electrical trade as a journeyman. In 1934 he went to the navy, later became first lieutenant NT and stayed there until 1945. After the end of the Second World War, from 1948 onwards, he became head of the municipal hospital in the Aurich city council.

August Knippert joined the SPD in 1946. He took over the office of first chairman in the sub-district of East Friesland, became a member of the board of the Weser-Ems district and finally, from 1948, district administrator for the Aurich district .

From May 6, 1951 to January 14, 1954, he was a member of the Lower Saxony State Parliament (2nd electoral period).


  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 200.