Bobritzsch training center

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Entrance area of ​​the ABZ Bobritzsch

The Bobritzsch Training Center (ABZ Bobritzsch) is a facility for the training of civil servants and employees of the Free State of Saxony . The task is the training for the careers of the middle non-technical service .



The Bobritzsch training center (main building / house 1, on the right in the background the multi-purpose hall / house 2)

The four departments of general administration and social administration , finance , justice and the penal system take on the theoretical training in the

  • Career in middle general administrative service
  • Middle service career in tax administration
  • Career of middle judicial service
  • Career in general prison service at the penal institutions

as well as in the two apprenticeships administrative employee and specialist for office communication .

Advanced training

The two boarding school buildings

In addition to further training in the area of ​​the penal system and the administration of justice, the ABZ is responsible for the EDP training of the judicial staff, the training and further training for the police sergeant and the middle judicial service.

Further training courses are carried out within the framework of the cooperation network of the advanced training institutions of the Free State of Saxony.

The lessons are taken over by full-time teachers and instructors appointed by the respective authorities.


The ABZ is located in Niederbobritzsch, a district of the Bobritzsch-Hilbersdorf community . The facility includes the training and administration building, completed in 1996, with an adjoining canteen, library and rooms for the lecturers. In the immediate vicinity of the teaching building are two boarding houses with 272 single rooms to accommodate the candidates , trainees and course participants. Various leisure facilities are available for these, including outdoor sports facilities. After the expansion of the location in 2002/2003, another teaching building with a multi-purpose hall was added.

Web links

Commons : Bobritzsch training center  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 50 ° 53  '59.4 " N , 13 ° 26' 23.4"  E