Scientific and Technical Research Committee

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The Committee for Scientific and Technical Research , CREST , (French: C omité de la re cherche s cientifique et t echnique , English Scientific and Technical Research Committee ) is a body that the European Commission and the Council of the European Union in matters relating to Advises in the field of scientific research and technical development.

CREST was created in the early 1970s by a Council Decision of the European Community. In the mid-1990s, the legal basis for the work of the body was replaced by a new Council resolution of September 28, 1995.

The tasks of CREST are:

  1. Identify strategic priorities for EU research and technological development policies. The European Commission is to be supported in the creation and alignment of EU research programs
  2. To promote coordination between the European Union and the Member States in the field of research activities, for better mutual coordination of EU policies on the one hand and national decisions on the other.
  3. To review the independent evaluation of the EU research framework programs and the so-called specific programs.
  4. To contribute to the formulation of EU strategies regarding international cooperation agreements in the field of research.

The activities of CREST are becoming increasingly important given the increasing importance of research and technical development in Europe. This is seen today as an essential element for Europe's competitiveness and European economic growth .

CREST is to be renamed the European Research Area Committee (ERAC) and is to contribute more intensively to the further development of the European Research Area (ERA).

Individual evidence

  1. Eur-lex. Agreement between the European Community and the State of Israel on Scientific and Technical Cooperation (PDF)

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