Avanti - Project Undogmatic Left

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Avanti - Project Undogmatic Left was a left-wing radical political organization in Northern Germany which, after 25 years, was incorporated into the nationwide organization Interventionist Left with its declaration of September 27, 2014 . Avanti had local groups in Hamburg, Flensburg, Kiel, Norderstedt, Hanover, Lübeck, Bremen and since 2009 also in Berlin. In their policy paper, the group committed itself to a revolutionary change in society. The Office for the Protection of the Constitution classified the group as left-wing extremist .

History and organization

Avanti banner in Dresden 2010

Avanti was founded in 1989 as a merger of the Autonomous Group in Kiel and the Lübeck working group on anti-imperialist resistance. While larger approaches to nationwide cooperation initially failed in the 1990s, Avanti repeatedly accepted individual groups.

Since the violent protests against the G8 summit in Heiligendamm in 2007 , Avanti has been part of the Interventionist Left , a nationwide association of groups and individuals from the radical left. Avanti played a central role in the left alliances for the G8 summit, in particular the Block G8 campaign , which organized the mass blockades of the access roads.

In June 2008, the Bremen group "solid.org - organizing left basic groups", which had emerged from the former Bremen regional association of 'solid - the socialist youth , joined as the seventh local group.

At the end of September 2014, Avanti declared that the organization was disbanding into the Interventionist Left: "Specifically, we have decided that our local groups in Kiel, Norderstedt, Lübeck, Hamburg and Bremen are now local groups of the Interventionist Left. The Avanti groups in Hanover and Berlin will continue and complete their integration into the local structures of the IL. Our supraregional practical cooperation will in future only take place within the framework of the IL. " They understand this step as "a common departure - in and with the Interventionist Left (IL), which is about to become a locally anchored, nationwide capable and networked left-wing radical organization across Europe."

Topics and activities

Avanti dealt with anti-fascism , globalization criticism and educational policy as well as social struggles and climate change .

Assessment by the constitution protection authorities

The organization was observed by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and classified as left-wing extremist by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution of the federal states of Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Declaration 25 years of Avanti - from now on we are interventionist left
  2. What happens after the G8? Perspective days! - Interventionist left. In: interventionistische-linke.org. Retrieved October 10, 2018 .
  3. BASIC INFORMATION: Texts on our content and methodological foundations ( Memento from 23 August 2007 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Avanti - project undogmatic left: 25 years Avanti - from now on we are interventionist left , September 27, 2014
  5. ^ Constitutional Protection Report 2009, pp. 148–149 ( Memento of July 4, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF; 4.3 MB)
  6. Hamburg State Office for the Protection of the Constitution: Report on the Protection of the Constitution 2008, p. 127 (PDF; 3.8 MB)
  7. http://www.schleswig-holstein.de/IM/DE/InnereSicherheit/Verfassungsschutz/Downloads/Verfassungsschutzbericht__2008,templateId=raw,property=publicationFile.pdf (link not available)
  8. Lower Saxony Ministry of the Interior, Sport and Integration: Constitutional Protection Report 2008, p. 156