Aziz ad-Din Nasafi

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Aziz ad-Din Nasafi ( ʿAzīz-ad-Dīn Nasafī ; d. 1287 ) was a Sufi from the Central Asian Kubrawiyya brotherhood. He is the author of a classic work of Sufi literature: the Insan-i kamil ( Kitāb al-insān al-kāmil "Book of the Perfect Man"), a "supersensible cosmology with the stages of development of the human soul".


  • Azizoddin Nasafi: Le livre de l'homme parfait. Fayard 1984
  • Aziz ud-Din Nasafi, Tassavufta Insan Meselesi - Insan-i Kamil, trans. and ed. M. Kanar, 1990
  • Azizoddin Nasafi (Auteur), Marijan Molé: Azizoddin Nasafi, VIIe / XIIIe siècle. Le livre de l'homme parfait. Kitâb al-Insân al-Kâmil. Recueil de traités de soufisme en persan publiés with an introduction to Marijan Molé. Institut Français de Recherche en Iran; Edition: 7e édition (2005) ( Bibliothèque Iranienne n ° 11)
  • Sima Orsini-Sadjed; Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle (Paris): Ảziz Nasafi, un penseur éminent dans l'Iran du XIIIe siècle. Lille: Atelier national de Reproduction des Thèses, 2004. Thèse doctorat: Études iranienne: Paris 3: 2003.

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. Sufism in Central Asia (PDF file; 848 kB)
Aziz ad-Din Nasafi (alternative names of the lemma)
ʿAzīz-al-Dīn Nasafī; ʿAzīz Ibn-Muhammed; Nesefī, ʿAzīz Ibn-Muhammed en-; Nasafī, ʿAzīz Ibn-Muḥammad an-; ʿAzīz Ibn-Muhammad an-Nasafī; ʿAzīz Ibn-Muḥammed <en-Nesefī>; ʿAzīz Ibn-Muhammad en-Nesefī; Azizus <Nesephaeus>; Azizus Nesephaeus; Azizus, Nesephaeus; Nasafī, ʿAbd-al-ʿAzīz Ibn-Muḥammad an-; Nasafī, ʿAzīz-ad-Dīn; Nasafī, ʿAziz Ibn-Muhammad an-; Nesephaeus, Acizus; ʿAziz Ibn Muḣammad al-Nasafī