Bécsi Magyar Újság

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Bécsi Magyar Újság
language Hungarian
publishing company Bécsi Magyar Ujság kiadóvállalat (Austria)
First edition October 31, 1919
attitude December 16, 1923
Article archive 1919 to 1921 and 1923

The Bécsi Magyar Újság (German Viennese Hungarian Newspaper ) was an Austrian daily newspaper that first appeared in Vienna in 1919 and the last time in 1923 .


  • Helmut W. Lang (Ed.): Austrian Retrospective Bibliography (ORBI). Row 2: Austrian Newspapers 1492–1945. Volume 2: Helmut W. Lang, Ladislaus Lang, Wilma Buchinger: Bibliography of the Austrian newspapers 1621–1945. AT THE. Edited at the Austrian National Library. KG Saur, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-598-23384-1 , p. 139

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Helmut W. Lang (Ed.): Austrian Retrospective Bibliography (ORBI). Row 2, Volume 2, 2003, p. 139.