Benigne Poissenot

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Bénigne Poissenot (* 1558 in Genevrières , Haute-Marne department ; † in the 16th or 17th century) was a French writer.

life and work

Biographically, only what he says about himself is known about Poissenot. In 1583 he published the realistic short story collection L'Esté (The Summer), which was inspired by Jacques Yvers Le Printemps (The Spring), and in 1586 the collection Les nouvelles histoires tragiques , which contained similar texts by Pierre Boaistuau , François de Belleforest and Vérité Habanc ( 1585) preceded it. Both titles are available in modern academic editions.


  • L'Esté 1583 , critical ed. by Gabriel-André Pérouse, Michel Simonin and Denis Baril, Droz, 1987.
  • Nouvelles Histoires tragiques , 1586, ed. by Jean-Claude Arnould and Richard A. Carr, Geneva, Droz, 1996.


  • Gabriel-André Pérouse, Nouvelles françaises du XVIe siècle. Images de la vie du temps , Geneva, Droz, 1977.
  • Estelle Ziercher, “Histoires tragiques et formes narratives au XVIe siècle”, in: Réforme, Humanisme, Renaissance 73, 2011, pp. 9–21 (url: / web / revues / home / prescript / article / rhren_1771-1347_2011_num_73_1_3142).

Manual literature

  • Robert Horville, Le XVIe Siècle 1494-1598, in: Histoire de la littérature française , ed. by Henri Mitterand , Paris 1988, pp. 125–234 (here: p. 221).
  • Michel Simonin, "Poissenot, Bénigne", in: Dictionnaire des écrivains de langue française , ed. by Jean-Pierre Beaumarchais, Daniel Couty and Alain Rey, Paris, Larousse, 2001, pp. 1403–1404.

Web links