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Bēltum was princess of Qatna , daughter of the local king Iški-Adad and wife of Jasmaḫ-Addu , the Assyrian governor of Mari . She lived in the palace of Mari, where several of her letters were found. According to them, she was unhappy with her life there. Furthermore, a letter from Šamši-Adad I is known in which he warns his son not to neglect his wife. It is unknown whether she left the city after her husband was evicted by Zimrī-Līm . However, it must be expected that she will return to Qatna when he took office.

See also


  • H. Klengel, Syria. 3000 to 300 BC , Berlin, 1992, p. 65 f.
  • JM Durand, Les dames du palais de Mari à l'epoque du royaume de Haute-Mesopotarnie , in MARI IV, 1985, pp. 398-407.