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The term Bafa ( Chinese  八 法 , Pinyin bā fǎ ) refers to the eight therapeutic methods of traditional Chinese medicine (Chinese health and acupuncture). The Bafa are given treatment strategies that represent the basis of the therapy. They are used in various therapeutic areas such as meditation , physical exercises ( Daoyin and Qigong , Taiji ), Chinese dietetics , Tuina , herbal medicine ( Caoyao ) and acupuncture / moxibustion .


  • Han ( obtaining sweat )

This procedure is used when the disease is still on the body surface and in its early stages.

  • Tu ( ejection through mouth )

Tu means to spit out , to spit out and describes the vomiting of stomach contents and the expulsion of mucus from the lungs. This process makes the energy pathways continuous.

  • Xia ( discharge )

The emptying of the intestinal contents is used in a similar way to western medicine.

  • He ( harmonization of conflicting functions )

This procedure is used when the normal interaction between the organs ( zangfu ) is disturbed.

  • Wen ( gentle heating )

This procedure is used for excitation and energy supply.

  • Qing ( cooling )

Qing means clear , but is used like cool in medicine. This procedure helps when the disease has already penetrated deep into the body.

  • Bu ( toning )

Bu means to fill in , to plug and denotes an energy supply for all types of exhaustion. It is a mobilization and making available of reserves.

  • Xie ( sedation )

Xie , also Xiao or San , describes the dissipation or dissipation of energy in the case of inhibitions, blockages, congestion in the interconnects ( jingluo ).


  • Carl-Hermann Hempen, Toni Fischer et al .: Guide Chinese Phytotherapy Urban & Fischer, Munich 2001, 706 pages; 2nd, expanded edition 2007, ISBN 978-3-437-55991-4 .
  • Manfred Porkert: Clinical Chinese Pharmacology. 2nd Edition. Phainon, Dinkelscherben 1994, ISBN 3-89520-006-9 .