BIKINI state

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The BIKINI state in the UK was an indicator of the current military threat status (analogous to DEFCON in the USA ) used by the UK government. It was intended for internal use by the military, police and other authorities only. This system is no longer used and has been replaced by the more general UK Threat Levels . According to the UK Department of Defense, the word bikini was chosen at random by a computer.


The UK Department of Defense used it to warn of nonspecific war or terrorist activities. It was used in addition to the TESSERAL system , which warned of specific threats from terrorists using surface-to-air missiles and / or air defense. The scale was also used by the Royal Enforcement Service in England and Wales .

The BIKINI alarm levels were posted in the form of signs at the entrance of authorities and military facilities. The United States ' DEFCON alarm system is similar , but the BIKINI alarm levels were imposed by the relevant agency or military agency, not nationally as is the case with DEFCON. The highest alarm levels are RED ( red ) and AMBER (amber), but these were only imposed for a limited period of time.

The same designations apply to the TESSERAL alert level system, but these are issued in the event of a particular air force threat.

Former alert levels

BIKINI alarm levels (sorted by importance):
There is information about an attack on a specific target. Synonymous with “red alert” and that the UK is at war, especially with an imminent nuclear war .
Specific information is available that public authorities and public bodies are under serious threat. Synonymous with “high alert”, which is imposed when there is a transition to war.
High probability of an attack without a defined target. It also means a “potential terrorist attack”.
An attack may be imminent, but no specific target can be defined. Unrest in the population could also be expressed with this level.
No information about an attack or attack is available.

Individual evidence

  1. Christopher Thompson Bikini Alert (accessed March 14, 2011)

Web links