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BNote Logo.png
Basic data

Maintainer Matti Maier, Stefan Kreminski
developer Matti Maier Internet Solutions
Publishing year 2013
Current  version 2.5.0
programming language PHP
category Web based software
License GPLv3

BNote is a web-based management software for music ensembles such as B. Bigbands, orchestras, choirs, combos etc. The software was developed by Matti Maier in 2011 and has been continued as an open source project under GPLv3 on GitHub since 2013 . The motto of the project is "Don't get blue organizing your band!".


In the author's experience, the organization in various non-professional music ensembles is very similar. To check this assumption, a first version (under the name BlueNote ) was developed in 2011 and tested in the old school big band Fürstenfeldbruck. Due to the positive interest, the software was further developed and made available to other ensembles.
From an organizational theory perspective , many ensembles are poorly organized. As a result, a lot of time is spent on organizational discussions in rehearsals, which means that important time is missing for musical work. Martin Tröndle's impressive representation of an orchestra as a high-performance
apparatus shows the optimal alignment of a music ensemble with self-organization and strong selection. Gerald Mertens also showed the importance and challenges of orchestra management in his book. BNote is based on this theoretical basis and tries to give non-professional ensembles access to a structured, standardized and optimized procedure for the self-organization of their ensemble.


The goals of the BNote project can be briefly summarized:

  • Ensembles enable a standardized, tried and tested and optimized approach to organization
  • Easy usability of the software, e.g. B. through free availability as open source software
  • Widely used as a standard in non-professional ensemble management


The previous implementation of the software (as of March 11, 2014, version 2.5.0) includes the following functions:
Main functions

  • Contacts: Central storage and availability of the contact details voluntarily provided by each member and the external contacts
  • Communication: E-mail communication about rehearsals, concerts and votes as well as opportunities to discuss the objects
  • Rehearsals: Management of rehearsal dates with place, time, participants and pieces to practice
  • Concerts: Administration of concert dates with place, time, participants, program and contact person
  • Votes: one or more optional date and text votes
  • Tasks: Allocation of tasks and verification of fulfillment
  • Repertoire: Management of pieces with title, composer / arranger, tempo , key , soloists and status (e.g. "core repertoire", "needs further rehearsals" etc.)

Secondary functions

  • Rehearsal and concert planning: Rehearsal phases with participants, concerts and rehearsals for the targeted planning of one or more performances
  • Website: Editing website content and galleries

programming language

When making the technology decision, the focus was on the low-cost operation of software. Since the LAMP stack is widely used, it is used. Mobile applications ( apps ) for various platforms are currently being planned to complement BNote.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Tröndle, Martin (2005): The orchestra as organization: Excellence and Culture, in: Meynhardt, Timo / Brunner, Ewald (eds.): Management und Synergetik, Münster / New York / Munich / Berlin, Waxmann, 153-170.
  2. Mertens, Gerald (2010): Orchestermanagement, in: Hausmann, Andrea (ed.): Art and culture management, Wiesbaden, VS-Verlag 2010.