Baasdkörper Krönk

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Baasdkörper Krönk is a novel by Friedrich Ernst Peters that was written in 1932 and published posthumously in 1975 . The work is considered a classic of Low German literature of the 20th century, which applies modern narrative techniques to storytelling in the Low German language and, not least, causes the village novel and its literary myths to be disenchanted.

Describes the development of a north German village, the fictional Baasdorf (ironically: the village of the masters, the best), in the years 1900 to 1920. The fate of some Baasdorf farming families and various concise secondary characters are embedded in contemporary historical references, the important political events or to revive the achievements of the technical progress of the time.


The "Baasdkörper Krönk" is a fictional work and as such is of course not a chronicle in the historiographical sense. Nonetheless, the novel is structured by recurring dates, in particular dates, which underline the claim of linear, chronic narration combined with the renunciation of psychologizing elements. The work is divided into fifteen chapters.

The language

Peters spoke only Low German before he learned High German at the Luhnstedt village school. The "Baasdkörper Krönk" pays homage to the language of his youth. The novel celebrates the tendency of Low German to phraseology , its naive "formulaic" and at the same time the originality and sensuality of the mother tongue . Even though Peters was aware of the limits of Low German and recognized its impending decline, he always remained fascinated by its expressiveness and liked to use Low German idioms or individual Low German words in his High German work, such as For example, in "Die döge Trina" (1946), a High German novel with bits of Low German, to which he added a list of "Baasdorf" words for the sake of clarity.

The "Baasdkörper Krönk", written entirely in Low German , was provided with a detailed Low German glossary by the editors W. Lindow and P. Selk .

Real references

The fictional Baasdorf is very similar to Luhnstedt (Rendsburg-Eckernförde district), the birthplace of Friedrich Ernst Peters, with whom he remained closely connected into old age. Descendants of some of the villagers of that time live there to this day, and a list is still circulating in which the names of the real role models of certain novel characters are deciphered. The model for the cooper Klaas Ehlers and his wife are the writer's parents, Klaus Peters and his wife, Marie, a literary enthusiast. "Kröschen" ("de Klöökst in't Ganz Kaspill Bohmstedt") was probably the godfather of the highly talented older brother Christian, who, like FEPeters, completed a teacher training course. The war returnees and narrator, who returned to his village at the end of the novel in 1920, bears some resemblance to the author himself, who describes his experiences in the First World War and his return to Luhnstedt in his memoirs "Prisoners of War in France (1914-1920)". The progressive master mason Jakob Prüß, who promoted the construction of the water pipe, is probably modeled after an uncle of Peters, a brother of his mother, the old Hinnerk Pick ("De Bahn, de Bahn, de hett wat maakt ...") the father-in-law this uncle.


Although Peters himself liked to read from the "Baasd Körper Krönk" and relatives and friends also knew the manuscript, he decided not to publish the novel in order to protect the Luhnstedt people's personal rights. The publication of a Low German novel was also likely to have been a publishing challenge even then. Perhaps it is due to the language barrier that the work received comparatively little attention even after its posthumous publication, although it was "highly praised by connoisseurs". In the meantime, the Krönk has seen a second edition and received new attention with the publication of Peters' first work Heine Steenhagen wöll ju dat wiesen! The story of an ambitious man (1925, published posthumously 2012) and the digital edition Friedrich Ernst Peters.


Text output

  • Baasdkörper Krönk . Novel. 1932. Ed. From the estate. by Wolfgang Lindow and Paul Selk with the assistance of Frauke Michalowsky. Husum: Husum Druck- und Verlagsges., 1975 - 2nd edition 1986

Audio book

  • Dieter Andresen reads [from Baasd Körper Krönk by] Friedrich Ernst Peters: Live in the Deaf School in Schleswig, 2004 - 1 CD
  • Ivo Braak has read from Baasd Körper Krönk several times . Some of these readings have been published in audio book compilations.

Separate publications of stories from the Baasd Körper Krönk

  • De work hits the beat . In: Eutin Almanac. 1940.
  • Stakes and boards . Story, 1941
  • The story of Henning Rohwer, whom they called Esau . Story, 1941
  • The victim . Story, 1942
  • The dull Trina. Story of a "Poahr Dangoass" . Roman, 1946
  • Between morning and evening . Story, 1950
  • Different fashions . 1955
  • Hinnerk Pick and the Steernkieker . 1958

Some stories already appear in the first novel Heine Steenhagen wöll ju dat wiesen! The Story of an Ambitious One (1925)

FE Peters on the question of Low German

  • Formula is a characteristic of Low German . Lecture, 1939
  • Comments on the question of Low German , in: FE Peters, Heine Steenhagen wöll ju dat wiesen! The story of an ambitious one . Husum, Husum-Verlag, 2012; Online: Potsdam, Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2012

Secondary literature

  • Farina Renken: On the creation and publication of the "Baasdäne Krönk". In: Yearbook of the Klaus Groth Society , 54, 2012, pp. 75–89. [With e. Graphic to the network of relationships between the main characters of "Baasdäne Krönk"]
  • Farina Renken: On the creation and publication of the "Baasdäne Krönk". Master's thesis at the University of Bremen, 2011. [with a register of persons from "Baasd Körper Krönk"]
  • Dieter Andresen: "If you have a date with the Lord God ..." Religion and Christianity in the "Baasdbody Krönk by Friedrich Ernst Peters" . In: Dieter Andresen: Kraftfeld Heimat. Profiles of the north . Books on Demand, 2006, pp. 66-90.
  • Martin Schröder: Polyphonic Chronotopos: on the poetology of the "Baasdäne Krönk" in the light of Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of the novel . In: Yearbook of the Association for Low German Language Research. Vol. 122, 1999, pp. 143-156.
  • Max Jensen: About Friedrich Ernst Peters “Baasd Körper Krönk” . In: Yearbook of the Klaus Groth Society , 19, 1977, pp. 104–115.
  • Reviews of the Baasdkörper Krönk :
    • Dirk Puls in: Home. Volume 83, 1976, p. 282.
    • Jochen Schütt in: Quickborn. Volume 66, 1976, pp. 177-179.
    • Paul Jessen in: Between Eider and Wiedau. Home calendar for North Friesland 1977, pp. 229–230.
  • Paul Selk: Baasd Körper Krönk. A posthumous work by Friedrich Ernst Peters . In: Schleswig-Holstein 26, 1974, p. 214.
  • Friedrich Ernst Peters: Baasd Körper Krönk . In: De Kennung . No. 2 of 1979, pp. 8-24

Individual evidence

  1. Schröder, Martin, Poyphoner Chronotopos: on the poetology of the "Baasdäne Krönk" in the light of Mikhail Bakhtin's theory of romance . In: Yearbook of the Association for Low German Language Research. Vol. 122, 1999, pp. 143-156.
  2. Der Spiegel, 17, 1976
  3. Full text stakes and boards
  4. ^ Full text The story of Henning Rohwer, whom they called Esau
  5. Full text The victim
  6. ^ Full text Die döge Trina. History of a "Poahr Dangoass"
  7. Full text Between morning and evening
  8. Full text Different modes
  9. Full text Hinnerk Pick and the Steernkieker
  10. Full text Formula is a characteristic of Low German
  11. Full text Heine Steenhagen wöll ju dat wiesen! The story of an ambitious one