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The word Baatar ( Mongolian баатар , hero ) describes a character concept of the ancient Turkic peoples and Mongols for people who show extraordinary courage, fearlessness and determination. The title appeared for the first time in the annals of the Chinese Sui dynasty and is attested for people in the Second Turk Kaganat as well as among the Bulgarians and the First Bulgarian Empire . Today it is a common part of the name. Including the following:


Geographical locations


See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Herbert Franke: The Cambridge History of China. Volume 6: Alien Regimes and Border States. Cambridge et al. 1994, ISBN 0-521-24331-9 , p. 567.
  2. C. Fleischer: Bahador. In: Encyclopædia Iranica. Retrieved March 29, 2020 .