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legal form society
founding 2006
Seat Vienna
Branch publishing company
Website is a non-profit publisher operating in Austria that specializes in books and digital reprints on topics related to the history of railways. The publishing house is constituted as an association .

history emerged at the beginning of 2006 from a loose cooperation of authors, some of whom had already published their own publications as well as those of established Austrian publishers or who worked as journalists for national and international railway magazines. The founders planned to take up regular publishing activities by pooling their skills and financial resources. The author-grant model was only applied to some projects until 2008. The publishing activity is financed by the current sales proceeds as well as by membership fees of the association members.

aims was created at a time when traditional Austrian publishers had reduced or discontinued their programs in the area of ​​railway history titles. The newly founded publishing association wanted to offer authors a means of publication that they would otherwise not have found in Austria. Even within the railway scene, niche topics with moderate commercial prospects, such as a two-volume work on the securities of old Austrian local railways , should find their way into the specialist literature through the association's activities. The publisher strives for high quality in all aspects of book production. The focus is on editing and a consistent modern layout , which is mainly created with free software ( Scribus , LaTeX ).


The publisher has published two to three books a year since 2007. The first major project was a four-volume encyclopedia of the locomotives of the kkStB , in which the authors Johann Blieberger and Josef Pospichal were able to publish a complete life cycle of all locomotives of this historical railway administration by processing extensive archive material. Other books deal with railway companies such as the Gurktalbahn , the Raaberbahn Aktiengesellschaft or cogwheel train locomotives from the Floridsdorf locomotive factory .

In addition, is involved in the field of digital reprints of historical railway literature. The first such project, the digitization of the magazine Die Lokomotive , took place in cooperation with the Austrian National Library , which offers the digitized material online via the ANNO portal .

Individual evidence

  1. ANNO: The locomotive. ÖNB, accessed on April 17, 2013 .

Web links