Bakinski Rabochi

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Bakinski Rabotschi ( Russian Бакинский рабочий , German Der Bakuer Arbeiter ) is a Russian-language newspaper from Baku . It was originally a newspaper of the Baku Committee of the RSDLP and was founded in 1906.


In 1917 116 numbers were published with a print run of 4,000 copies. The newspaper appeared three times a week until November 1917, then daily. A. Amirjan and Stepan Georgievich Shaumyan were responsible editors at different times . Members of the editorial team were Prokofi Aprassionowitsch Japaridze , Nadeshda Nikolajewna Kolesnikowa , VI Nanejschwili and Ivan Timofejewitsch Fioletow . Meschadi Asim-ogly Asisbekow and Anastas Ivanovich Mikoyan also actively participated .

In 1917/1918 the newspaper was the Bolsheviks' fighting organ . Dozens of articles and speeches by Lenin were printed on its pages from April to October 1917 , including the articles On the Slogans , The Crisis Has Matured , Chapters from The Impending Catastrophe and How to Fight It . The most important party documents, the resolutions of the Central Committee (CC) of the RSDLP, the materials of the VII. All-Russian (April) Conference and the VI. Party Congress of the RSDLP, the Manifesto of VI. Party congress and a. published.

On 16./29. In November 1917 the newspaper published an appeal to the workers and the entire population of Baku, in which the Baku Soviet welcomed the revolutionary workers and the revolutionary garrison Petrograd and the new government. In August 1918 the newspaper was banned by the government of the Zentrokaspi .

In 1920 the newspaper was reissued. After the Second World War it was the organ of the Central Committee and Baku Committee of the Communist Party of the Azerbaijani SSR .

The newspaper appears to this day, but in a much smaller edition. In 2009 the print run was around 3000 copies.

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