Balad (Iraq)

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Balad (Iraq)
Coordinates 34 ° 1 ′  N , 44 ° 9 ′  E Coordinates: 34 ° 1 ′  N , 44 ° 9 ′  E
Country IraqIraq Iraq
Governorate Salah ad-Din
Basic data
Residents 80,000 (2015)
mayor Amir Abdul Hadi (2007)

Balad ( Arabic بلد, DMG Balad ) is an Iraqi town in the Salah ad-Din governorate .

The place is about 50 km north of Baghdad. Balad is the stopping point of the Baghdad Railway . During the 2006 Iraq war , there were violent clashes between Sunni and Shiite fighters.

Until the withdrawal of the American armed forces in December 2011, the largest US military base, the Joint Base Balad , was located in Balad . In December 2014 Shiite fighters were killed by units of the Islamic State . In December 2014, however, the Islamic State failed to take the besieged place.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New York Times: Iraq Removes Leaders of Special Police
  2. ^ WashingtonPost: Biggest Base in Iraq Has Small-Town Feel
  3. Reuters: Islamic State executes Shi'ite militia fighters north of Baghdad
  4. AlJazeera: Iraq's Balad braced for battle with ISIL