Baltic weekly for agriculture, industry and trade

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The Baltic weekly for trade, agriculture industry and trade (until 1903 Baltic Week magazine for farmer h economy, Gewerbfleiß and Trade , 1904 Baltic Week magazine for agriculture, Gewerbfleiß and trade ) was an influential weekly newspaper in the Baltic States . It was published from 1863 to 1915 in Tartu, Livonia (German Dorpat ).


The newspaper was launched in 1863. It appeared once a week. Their language was German, the upper class, business and educational language in the Baltic provinces of the Russian Empire .

The newspaper was primarily intended for business life and had a large readership. In the history of the newspaper, the editors were the Livonian Charitable and Economic Society , the Livonian Association for the Promotion of Agriculture and Industry in Dorpat , the Courland Economic Society in Mitau and the Estonian Agricultural Association .


The editors-in-chief of the Baltic weekly for agriculture, industry and trade were:

1866–1868 Carl Georg Franz Hehn
1868–1872 Hermann von Samson
1872–1875 Georg Bernhard Brunner
1876–1900 Wilhelm Gustav von Stryk
1900–1913 Wilhelm Gustav von Stryk and Harry von Pistohlkors
1913–1914 G. v. Sivers
1914–1915 Wilhelm Gustav von Stryk and Konrad Ernst Georg Spohnholz

The End

After the outbreak of the First World War and the increasingly anti-German mood in the Russian Empire, the newspaper was discontinued in the 53rd year. The last issue is dated October 7th jul. / October 20, 1915 greg. . In addition, subscribers in Kurland could no longer receive the Baltic Weekly , as Kurland had already been occupied by German troops.

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