Banjo clock

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Banjo clock

The banjo clock (banjo clock) is a typical American design of a wall clock that was widespread in the 19th century.


The banjo clock is a wall clock in an ornate, ornate case. It got its name from the design of the case, which is borrowed from the musical instrument banjo . Most watches do not have a striking mechanism . This type of watch was developed and patented around 1802 by the brothers Aaron and Simon Willard from Roxbury (Boston) .


  • EJ Tyler: Nice old clocks. Gondrom Verlag, Bayreuth 1976

Web links

Commons : Banjo clocks  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Banjouhr in UhrenLexikon

Individual evidence

  1. Rudi Koch (Ed.): BI-Lexikon - Clocks and Time Measurement , VEB Leipzig, 1986, ISBN 3-323-00100-1 ; P. 29
  2. Viktor Pröstler: Callweys manual of the clock types. From the wristwatch to the zappler . Callwey Munich 1994, ISBN 3-7667-1098-2 ; P. 129
  3. Fritz von Osterhausen: Callweys lexicon . Munich 1999, ISBN 3-7667-1353-1 ; P. 30