Bank Spółdzielczy w Kątach Wrocławskich

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Bank Spółdzielczy w Kątach Wrocławskich - BS Kąty Wrocławskie (Cooperative Bank in Kąty Wrocławskie) is a Polish cooperative bank with its headquarters in Kąty Wrocławskie and branches in Sobótka and Żórawina . The chairman of the bank is Roman Górczyński. On June 30, 2017, the total assets of the bank amounted to 208.5 million zloty (49,9 million euros ).

The inaugural meeting of the bank's founders took place on October 13, 1947 in the town council's premises . The bank was registered in the District Court in Wrocław on October 28, 1947 under the name “Bank Spółdzielczy z odpowiedzialnością ograniczoną w Kątach Wrocławskich” (Cooperative Bank with Limited Liability in Kąty Wrocławskie). The first loans were granted on February 27, 1948. The bank received financial support from Banku Gospodarstwa Spółdzielczego we Wrocławiu (Bank of the Cooperative Economy in Wrocław). In the course of its history, the bank was renamed and reorganized several times: Bank Spółdzielczy z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością w Kątach Wrocławskich (Cooperative Bank with Limited Liability in Kąty Wrocławskie) 1947–1950, Gminna Kasa Spółdzielcąty Kątach Wr. (Cooperative Fund in Kąty Wrocławskie) 1956–1961, Spółdzielnia Oszczędnościowo-Pożyczkową (Loans and Savings Cooperative) 1961–1975. Since 1975 it has remained unchanged under the name Bank Spółdzielczy w Kątach Wrocławskich. On December 3, 1991, the Assembly of Representatives unanimously passed the resolution to merge with the Southwest Economic Bank in Wrocław. Since 2002 the bank has been organized with the BPS BANK (Bank of the Polish Cooperative), which was established after the merger of the 7 regional banks.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ BS Kąty Wrocławskie: BS Kąty Wrocławskie. Retrieved March 4, 2018 (Polish).
  2. ^ BS Kąty Wrocławskie: Władze Banku (Board of Directors of the Bank). Retrieved March 4, 2018 (Polish).
  3. BS Kąty Wrocławskie: Informacja o sytuacji finansowej Banku Spółdzielczego w Kątach Wrocławskich na 30 czerwiec 2017 roku (information on the financial situation of the cooperative bank in Kąty Wrocławskie on June 30, 2017). July 17, 2017, accessed March 4, 2018 (Polish).
  4. ^ BS Kąty Wrocławskie: Historia Banku (history of the bank). Retrieved March 4, 2018 (Polish).