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Banlangen ( Chinese  板藍根  /  板蓝根 , Pinyin bǎnlán'gēn , Cantonese  baan2 laam4 gan1 ; Japanese Banrankon; scientific name Radix isatidis ) is a traditional Chinese remedy .

Production and type of administration

It is from the roots of the original from West Asia Färberwaidpflanze ( Isatis tinctoria L.), the indigo plant indigotica Isatis Fort. (Often called variety considered the Färberwaids) and / or the Akanthusart Baphicacanthus cusia (Nees) Bremek made. The roots are collected in autumn. After the stem and leaves are removed, the roots are washed, dried and made into a coarse powder. It is usually served in the form of tea .


Banlangen is used to combat toxic heat , sore throat and larynx infections , and to treat flu infections , carbuncles , hepatitis , measles , mumps , scarlet fever , chicken pox and other rash diseases such as psoriasis . It is also given for diphtheria , epilepsy and meningitis as well as various skin and sexually transmitted diseases , especially syphilis , as well as to prevent cancer .

Side effects

Possible side effects include allergic reactions , rash, and dizziness . Too long use and too high a dosage can damage the kidneys .


In Chinese medicine, it is assigned the property cold and the taste bitter and has a particular effect on the meridians of the heart, lungs and stomach.


Ingredients of the Banlangen include indigo , indirubin , β- and γ-sitosterol as well as various amino acids and bitter substances such as vegetable proteins , resins and sinigrin .

Pharmacological effect

When dissolved in liquid, it acts on various bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis , Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli , Salmonella entericae and Shigella dysenteriae . It also evidently has a suppressive effect on viruses such as influenza viruses of the PR2 strain. It supports the immune defense and suppresses the platelet aggregation induced by ADP .

Clinical practice

Treatment with Banlangen is considered for fever , headache , sore throat and rashes . It is often prescribed with Japanese honeysuckle , forsythia suspensa, and untreated plaster of paris. For scarlet fever and mumps also together with buttercups and figwort . In wind-cold of spleen and stomach, it must not be used. Presentation of approx. 10–15 g as an infusion.

Other names

Other Chinese names are: Dingqinggen (靛青 根), landinggen (蓝靛 根), tulonggen (土 龍 根), daqinggen (大青 根), shanlangen (山 藍 根) and lanlonggen (蘭 龍 根).

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