
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Bariatric (from Greek βάρος Baros , German , heaviness, weight ' , and ἰατρός Iatros , German , doctor' ) is a multidisciplinary specialty of medicine that deals with the treatment, prevention, epidemiology and causes of obesity , and especially the Obesity (obesity, obesity, obesity) deals with. The term originated in the 1960s at the same time as the surgical treatment options for obesity. The bariatric surgery is also referred to as "bariatric surgery" known. After successful bariatric surgery , the patient often also needs post-bariatric reconstructive surgery .


  • Guntram Schernthaner , John M. Morton: Bariatric surgery in patients with morbid obesity and type 2 diabetes . Diabetes Care (2008) 31 Suppl. 2: pp. 297-302 (review), PMID 18227500
  • Jeffrey L. Sebastian: Bariatric surgery and work-up of the massive weight loss patient. Clin. Plastic Surg. (2008) 35 (1): pp. 11-26 (review), PMID 18061796
